I was recently asked by my longtime friend and colleague Joe Favorito to be a guest on the Columbia University Sports Podcast (CUSP). As we prepared for the conversation, it occurred to me that amid the podcast boom, there are few podcasts specifically devoted to the practice of strategic communications and public relations.
As an enthusiastic consumer of podcasts, I scrolled through my subscriptions and went in search of worthwhile new additions to compile the following list of recommended pods for communications pros.
The list is populated by programs on media, tech, leadership and narrative storytelling – all of which help keep us current while providing useful insights and even professional development to help us communicators in our roles as trusted advisors.
Suggestions are welcome at ks@ksullivancomms.com.
Finding Mastery: Conversations with Michael Gervais
HBR IdeaCast
The Moment with Brian Koppelman
No Limits with Rebecca Jarvis
The Strategerist
The Press Box
Recode Media with Peter Kafka
Reliable Sources
Public Relations
Lead Balloon
Narrative Storytelling
This American Life
Sports Business
Columbia University Sports Podcast with Joe Favorito and Tom Richardson
Sports Business Radio with Brian Berger
Sports Media with Richard Deitsch
The GaryVee Audio Experience
Pivot with Kara Swisher & Scott Galloway
Recode Decode with Kara Swisher